Vince McMahon/Kurt Angle/Steve Austin Promo -Vince McMahon comes out. He says that The Rock needs to respect authority here in the WWF. Vince says Stephanie insisted that The Rock take on Kane and Rikishi in a handi-cap match tonight. But Rock will have 2 partners..two referees. Vince then mentions Stone Cold Steve Austin and how this past Thursday, he counted the three. Vince says he is a whole different man and and he says he believes in leadership. This brings out Steve Austin. Steve Austin calls Vince a jackass and he says he wants Kurt Angle and his WWF Title tonight. This leads to Kurt Angle coming out. He talks smack to Austin. Austin says if you want to see Steve Austin kick Kurt Angle's ass and win the WWF Title, gimme a hell yeah..HELL YEAH! Then Kurt Angle hits Austin with his WWF Title as soon as Austin turned around and Vince and Angle run back to the ramp and Angle has that look like that says "I'm gonna get my ass kicked later tonight".
Match #1- Chris Jericho and Hardyz vs. Radicalz
-This match starts from the outside on wards into the ring. Matt and Malenko start off. Jeff then gets the tag. Double suplex on Saturn, followed by some Poetry in Motion. They knock Benoit off the apron, so he comes in and attacks Jeff. Belly to back suplex for a two count. Tag to Saturn. Vertical suplex by Saturn who then tags in Benoit. Falling neckbreaker on Jeff two count. Benoit pounds Jeff onto the turnbuckle as he tags Saturn. Saturn plants Jeff onto the turnbuckle, but Jeff knocks him off and hits the Swanton Bomb. Both men go down. Tag to Benoit, and Jericho. Jericho delivers chops and right hands to Benoit. Spinning heel kick to Benoit, clothesoline to Saturn, which brings Terri on the apron. Jericho tosses Terri off the apron. Matt goes and works on Saturn outside. In the ring, Benoit tries to lock in the Crippler Crossface, but Jericho turns it into a backslide for the three count.
Winner: Chris Jericho and The Hardy Boyz
Stephanie/Referee's Backstage Promo
-Backstage Stephanie is asking refs to volunteer for the match. One says they say they aren't trained, while another says they aren't under contract to wrestle. Stephanie says that they are under contract to the WWF, which means they must learn to respect authority. She chooses the two that spoke up as the Rock's partners.
The Rock Interview
-Kevin Kelly asks Rock about being in the team of 3 in a 3 on 2 match, yet still being at a disadvantage. Rock says that less than two weeks from today, 30 men will fight for their shot at the Rumble. He says that if Austin wins the Title tonight, he'll have a date with the Rock at WresleMania. He says that if Steph thinks she impresses the Rock, she's wrong. Just as sure as Rock stands before us today, just as sure as Kevin Kelly will be sipping drinks at the hermaphrodite bar, the Rock will be going to Wrestlemania.
Lita and Dean Malenko Segment
-We hear a shower running, and see Malenko peering through the curtain at a naked Lita showering. He grabs towel and enters asking if he should dry her off. She freaks out and hides. The Hardys run in and beat on Malenko's knee.
Chyna Interview
-Michael Cole says she looks great and asks for an update. She says she has been going through intensive therapy, possibly in lieu of surgery. She says it is questionable whether she will come back. She would say yes, but the doctors would say no. She says it will be the first time in three years she won't compete in the Rumble. Cole asks what Chyna does lately. She says that tonight she will sit back and watch Billy Gunn destroy Val Venis, and hopefully he'll have something left for Ivory.
Another Who cares Segment
-JR plugs the Billy Gunn vs. Val Venis Lumberjack match (wasn't it a cage match, o well)
Match #2- Billy Gunn vs. Val Venis - Lumberjack Match
-Billy runs down and starts getting beaten by Val. Clothesline by Val, who tosses Billy to the RTC. RTC beats himdown and throws him back in. Then Gunn throws Val over the top rope where Val gets beaten by Too Cool, Kwik and Essa. Back in the ring, Billy tosses Val to the Acolytes who gets an ass whopping from the Acolytes. Jackhammer by Billy Gunn, who knocks the RTC members off the apron. Spinebuster by Val, followed by an elbow drop. Vall whips Gunn around and hits a vertical suplex for a two count. Kick by Gunn, followed by a tilt-a-whirl slam. Back elbow by Gunn, then a clothesline and a splash in the corner. Acolytes then get a hold of Ivory and Acolytes throw her in the ring but she escapes to the RTC but Gunn hits a Full Press Slam (?!, don't know) and gets the win!
Winner: Billy Gunn
Post Match Results
-After the match everyone comes in. Too Cool throw Essa Rios out. And everyone go at it.
Backstage Segments
-Backstage Edge and Christian say that as much as they love what he did to Austin, he'll love what they have in store for the Dudleys.. Also in the back referees Teddy Long and Jack Doan are talking, when Kane walks past and pushes Long into the wall. Commercial.
Match #3- Rikishi and Kane vs. The Rock, Teddy Long, Jack Doan
-Teddy Long and Jack Doan come out on the stage, with no music of course, and wait for The Rock to come down the ramp. Steph has decided that Teddy has to start the match. One has to wonder how ref Tim White feels about this. Teddy starts against Rikishi. TEDDY, TEDDY, TEDDY (No the crowd was not saying that) Rikishi grabs Long's shirt as Teddy pleads. Rikishi gives Long a little hip check, and then the StinkFace. Long crawls under Rikishi's legs and tags Rock. Flying forearm by Rock, who beats on Kane, slamming his head on the mat, and then slamming Kane and Rikishi's heads together. Rikishi whips Rock into a Kane clothesline. Rikishi stomps on Rock, but Rock comes up with a DDT and knocks Kane off. Rock pulls Tedd Long aside, allowing Long and Doan to stomp Rikishi. Rock goes for a People's Elbow, but Kane runs in and chokeslams Rock. Both men are down as Tim White forces Kane out. Rikishi rolls for the the pin in which he gets a two count!! They stagger up, with Rock getting the better of Rikishi at first. Clothesline in the corner by Rikishi. Rikishi goes to StinkFace Rikishi, but Rock low blows him and clotheslines him. Both men go down. They stagger up at the seven count. Tag to Kane, but the Rock fights back. Rock floats out of a Tombstone and hits a Samoan Drop for a two count. Rock goes to Rock Bottom Kane, but Rikishi superkicks him. Kane goes outside and gets a chair. Jack Doan goes to take the chair from Kane. Kane shoves White aside, forcing the DQ bell, and Kane chokeslams Jack Doan. Teddy Long comes in and goes for the chair, but he gets Chokeslammed. Rikishi backs that ass up on the Rock, but the Undertaker comes running out. Undertaker chokeslams The Rock as Rock kicks Rikishi's fat ass. Rock Bottoming him. Damn, what a match. An hour to go.
Winner: No Contest
Main Event for WWF Smackdown Announced !!!
-Stephanie McMahon Helmsley is upset that Rock didn't learn to respect authority in this match, so Vince says they will make Rock and Undertaker respect authority, by making the Main Event for Smackdown, Rock vs. Undertaker vs. Rikishi vs. Kane, with the winner entering the Rumble at #30!
Match #4- Raven (c) vs. Steve Blackman - Hardcore Title Match
-Raven comes down saying that Blackman used to be partners with Al Snow, who was the first victim of the Raven Effect. He laughs at cruching Snow with a cinder block, and begins to make fun of Blackman, when he runs down to start the match. Blackman uses both the trashcan and its lid to beat on Raven. He goes out and gets the Sticks and uses it on Raven. Pump handle suplex using the sticks. Hardcore Holly comes on the stage, with his own referee. Blackman goes up top, but Hardcore Holly knocks him off. Hardcore Holly beats on Raven using the lids and goes to hit him with the trashcan, but he hits Blackman when Raven sprayed him with the fire extinguisher for the win. Raven retains, but the fight continues with Holly suplexing him on the stage for a two count which was broken by Blackman. Raven runs out of the arena into a waiting car and they drive off.
Winner: Raven to retain his WWF Hardcore Title belt
-We go to WWF New York, where Kaientai are hosting the coverage. Kaientai are trying to speak english and are doing very..humerous stuff.
JR Announces SOMETHING that YOU should READ!
-JR says that later tonight, they will show how you can become a WWF Superstar.
Edge and Christian and The Dudley Boyz Parents
-Edge and Christian come to the ring with a table. They set it up in the ring. Christian sends greetings to everyone in San Jose. He says that, although they have fought the Dudleys many time, they don't know much about them. Until now, Edge says. He says that in order to know the opponents they will beat at the Rumble, they went to Dudleyville to find the Dudley's parents, Mother-Fay and Leon. Then the Dudleys come out. They really look like they could be the Dudley's parents, decked out in Dudley camo and glasses. Christian says they brought baby pictures, so the Gods of the TitanTron put them up. They show a picture of D-Von on a babies body, asking Leon if it is the ugliest baby he's ever seen. Leon says "Testify!" They show a picture of Buh Buh with his tongue out on a baby's body. Edge says he feels sorry for Mother-Fay's uterus, but she just does the Wassup. THEN OUT COMES THE REAL DUDLEY BOYS .Edge and Christian run up the ramp as the Dudleys take their anger out on their parents. 3-D to Leon, Wassup headbutt to Mother-Fay. They see the table and Buh Buh gives his own mother a powerbomb through said table. LOL, it's a slobber knocker.
Backstage Segment
-Stephanie is happy about the Edge and Christian vs. Dudleys match at the Rumble. Vince says his coffee is old, and asks Stephanie to get him a new cup with milk and sweetner. As she leaves, Vince takes his jacket off and gets ready for and looks like someone is about to come in..
Backstage Segment
-Vince asks what is keeping you so long. Stephanie comes in and says she had to brew a fresh cup of coffee. We hear a toilet flush, and Trish comes out. Vince says this is not what she thinks. Stephanie says that if it isn't what she thinks, then Vince won't oppose having Trish join Albert in competition tonight against Test. Trish motions no but Vince reluctantly ok's the match. Stephanie turns to Trish and says "Don't worry, I hear you like 2 on 1's"
-We get the opinion of fans at WWFNY on tonight's Title match.
-We come back to see Vince coming out of the room.
JR says that they are taking applications for a concept known as Tough Enough, and you can go to for details on how you can take part and possibly become the next WWF Superstar.
Match #5- Test vs. Albert w/ Trish
-Albert and Trish come down, with Albert having to assure Trish that everything is ok. Test comes down and Albert goes right at him, but gets clotheslined. Albert hits a clothesline, as we see Vince and Stephanie watching from behind. We come back and Albert pins Test for only a two count that wasnt even close to a three. Trish slaps Test, so he grabs her, allowing Albert to attack from behind. Tornado DDT by Test. Test pounds Albert, and htis a belly-back suplex. Trish distracts the ref, so Test pulls her in. Trish floats out of a pump-handle slam, and Albert gets nailed by Test. Test looks at Trish as a nasty-looking William Regal comes out and pulls Trish out as Albert hits Test with an Albert Bomb for the win!
Winner: Albert
Backstage Segment
-Backstage Stephanie yells at Vince for having Regal coming out. Commercial.
Match #6- Kurt Angle vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin - WWF Title Match
-Kurt Angle comes out first. Now outcomes the challanger. Austin then leaves Angle's hostage in order for Angle come in to the ring. He is in and Austin knocks down Angle and gives him elbows. Austin puts Angle on the top rope and knocks him over. Then Austin gets a Lou Thesz press on Angle! Austin gets a laderal press and a near fall. Austin then delivers two vertical suplexes. The third one Angle gets out and reverses it into a Russian Leg Sweep. Kurt Angle then stomps away on Austin. We then go to the outside and Austin knocks Angle over the barricade. William Regal comes out but Austin knocks him down. Austin then jumps off the barricade and delivers a flying clothesline to Angle. Austin brings Angle back in and goes for the pin and gets a two count! Damn, that was close to a three. Earl Hefner starts the count as both men are down. Angle gets up and Austin tries the Stunner but Angle gets a belly to belly overhead suplex. Angle then starts choking Austin. Angle gives two suplexes to Austin but Austin gets out of both of them. Gutwrench by Angle. Austin then gets a spine buster and both men are down! We are in the corner. Austin with kicks and Angle delivers right hands. Angle is about to get up Stunner to Angle. Then Hefner is counting then HHH pulls Hefner out! DAMN, Austin was going to be champ! Austin knocks out Angle and he is calling for HHH! HHH gets in the ring and right hands from both men! Austin is kicking the game's ass. Over to the announce table we go! GOD DAMN, HHH hit Austin with a steel pipe. Austin is busted open but who gives a shit he is still fighting back. HHH then gets Austin on the announce table and he poses for the crowd. Show Over!